Friday, June 15, 2012

A Tribute to Promoter Bob Luce!

As a Chicagoland and Midwest Professional Wrestling Promoter, I can tell you that Promoter Bob Luce, was way ahead of his time!
Not only did Professional Wrestling fans tune into Bob's show every week on WSNS TV Channel 44 in Chicago, but so did thousands of viewers who wanted to watch his show to learn, to be entertained, and to be informed.
Yes, Bob was a modern day Carni Promoter. He was a combination of Larry King, Geraldo, and Ron Popeil!
Here's a guy who had some rough tough pals around him, like "The Worlds Most Dangerous Wrestler" Dick The Bruiser, and his ol pal "Yukon Moose" Cholak. Bob would be fair, bringing in "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant, and Ox Baker, and, "Pretty Boy" Bobby Heenan!
Join us next week as we remember Chicago's Very Own Promoter, Bob Luce!

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